Thursday, January 17, 2013

Expat, Unemployed and Climbing the Hill!


So I know back in October I said that I would be able to blog at least once a month moving forward. But that was my overachieving persona speaking. I failed to consider what it would take to pack my house for an international move and prepare for it.

In less than four hours, Nate and I will hop on a plane out of Chicago and embark to Beijing. Action packers are packed. Suitcases have been sat on by yours truly to get them zipped. And Hudson has been picked up for his own travel adventures that begin later this week. I cried like a baby when I had to let him go this morning. Right in the middle of a packed hotel. Didn't even care.

2013 signifies change for us Griffins in nearly every capacity. Nate is moving forward in the world of film production, in a culture where the meetings take five times as long due to translation needs. I turn 30 in three days. I'm pretty sure my meal production will take on a whole new turn. And in Beijing, I'll start carrying toilet paper in my purse at all times because...well....because it's hard to come by in public places.


I don't even like it. I'm not that great at it. But I think that's part of the point for me at this present moment of holy tension. I'm beckoned to draw near to the One who does not change.

Plans we had for ourselves this year were set aside when we made this decision. I've said goodbye to loved ones whom I can't stand out of my sight. And if I ponder on that one more second, I'll have an(other) ugly cry.

With this move, I stepped down from the corporate ladder that I both loved and hated. And with that, I've just recently started picking up the writing task to which God is calling me to for 2013.

I thought I'd celebrate turning 30 in Nashville, a city that has become so dear to me, with a small circle of friends who are even more dear to me. Instead, I will celebrate turning 30 in Beijing with my man and my dog. Now that I think of it, that is exactly the way I'd prefer it right now. To celebrate the redemptive work God has done for me these 30 years in a city that will likely remind me I'm made for something more...that this is not my home. To proclaim to the LORD His goodness for this year. To confess unto the Lord how much I love Him, to tell Him what He has done for my soul (Ps. 66:16), though I know He already knows. To be with my man, instead of us being separated by an ocean. That is the best birthday gift for this girl.

I'll post again when we get settled. For now, I'll close with some logistical items on how you can keep in touch with us!

  • For those with a smart-phone (i.e. - iPhone), you can download 'What's App' from your App Store for $0.99. It's a one time purchase fee that allows for unlimited international texting of messages, videos and photos. Send me a text if you hop on there so I'll know.
  • My email remains the same. 
  • If you'd like our address, message me and I'll send it to you!

PS - We would love your covering in prayer these last few days in the following area. It would mean so much to us.

  • Safety in our travels as well as Hudson's. He flies on a separate flight with an overnight stay in Amsterdam. We pick him up in Beijing on the 22nd. 
  • Discernment, wisdom and favor for Nate in work. He's a brave man in tackling business in a foreign environment. 
  • Sleep! 
  • Discernment, grace and wisdom for me in closing out this season and starting a new one. There's something so powerful about a new season. The mystery that looms over it sparks my curiosity and increases my anticipation for His presence.  
We love you all so much!
Nate & Shelly

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