Thursday, August 6, 2009

Excuses, excuses...


I might be back to blogworld!!! Here are my top five reasons for my lengthy departure.

1) Theology class --> completed now! I won't even look at my syllabus to tell you how many pages of reading I had to do for this class.
2) Job searching in all spare time --> I have accepted my lot - this seems to be an inevitable part of my life for this season. I cannot tell you how many hours a day one can spend searching for a job.
3) Politely evading everyone in my life for about 3 weeks while my husband was home --> what can I say? We are protective of the time we have together!
4) Friends! Yes, we Griffins are finally getting to have friends who share our season of life.
5) Getting back in the exercise grind in the mornings --> trying to keep up with my man!

So, these are my reasons that I have been absent from blogworld. I hope to give y'all a further shout-out this weekend. Miss, my Bible, and Jesus do that is....Grin
A hello from the Griffins and my big humidity-testifying hair on a lovely Nashville night :)


Toknowhim said...

Those are some pretty good excuses :) So nice to hear an update from one of my favorite now newlywed bloggers :)

Love ya, Kim

Little Steps Of Faith said...

I've missed you:)
Glad u could pop in!:)

Lindsee said...

No need to apologize because 1) Y'all are adorable in that pic, hair and all and 2) I'm pretty sure I've only blogged twice in the past month. We're both pathetic! But, now that I'm back from my whirlwind traveling summer for good, I think I'm back in the game as well. Love you. Miss you.

connorcolesmom said...

So glad to see you back Mrs. Griffin ;)
And glad to know you have been enjoying your hubby and friends :)
Miss you much!

mandy said...

Hi! Hi! HI!!! :)

Natalie said...

Woohoo! Welcome back to blogworld and post semlink life!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I have missed reading your blog...

Kelly S. said...

YES1 I'll be looking forward to your return :) My verse for this season:
Psalm 16: 5-6
The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed. I have a beautiful inheritance.

(working on promised email)

HE holds your lot :)

Denise said...

Have you connected with Heather Mercer in Nashville?

Emmy said...

Yeah SO excited to hear from you! : )

Have you on my heart a lot! : )

You all look great! : )

Jennifer said...

Shelly! I've been checking your blog off and on for awhile now, but don't think I ever mentioned it! Glad to see that things are going well! Miss you around campus! :-)